Our kids ministry supports families as they teach their children how to find and follow Jesus. Many faithful members of our church serve every week to give your kids a safe, fun, and spiritually rewarding experience. We want every child to know that God loves them, and He has an amazing plan for their life! We want to partner with you in communicating this wonderful message to them and help them do their very best to follow Jesus—even as a child.
Our youth ministry helps teenagers find and follow Jesus! As teenagers grow, they constantly face new challenges and pressures, and we want to help them see that they can follow Jesus faithfully as they navigate that stage of their life. Our events and services are designed to help our young people be like Jesus and lead like Jesus. We recognize that our primary role is to come alongside parents and families as they help their children follow Jesus, and our whole youth ministry team is dedicated to supporting families as they follow Jesus together!
Our young adults ministry exists to foster sustained personal, spiritual, and social growth while discovering God’s plan for life and action. We exercise this passion through group-effort to mobilize active faith, as we engage our community and communicate our faith to others.
We’ve designed our small group Bible studies to connect people from all walks of life to practical Bible study electives on topics that interest you with others in similar life stages. All of our small groups rotate through 13-week, seasonal semesters, but you’re welcome to join anytime.

Bridge to Recovery is a faith based addictions program showing the way to freedom for those held in bondage by strongholds and addictions. B2R ministers to addictions and strongholds of all types: illegal drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs, tobacco, gambling, bitterness, anger, depression, eating disorders, low self-esteem, domestic violence, and many others.
Feeling Helpless? Hopeless? Looking for a way out?
We have some good news for you: "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32. Jesus offers freedom from your addiction. Freedom is not found in steps, freedom is found in Jesus Christ!